Philanthropy in American History & Major Donors Today
- What is the meaning of the word philanthropy, and what types of activities are associated with it? How is philanthropy different from “charity” or “charitable giving.” Philanthropy is "an act or gift done or made for humanitarian purposes; an organization distributing or supported by funds set aside for humanitarian purposes"(Merriam-Webster) Philanthropy is different than a charity, because a charity is given when somebody is in need or need of money.
- Find out about the philanthropic work of Andrew Carnegie, including the amount of money he spent and the types of projects on which he spent it. Why did he invest so much in philanthropy, and why he decided to spend his money in the ways he did? Andrew Carnegie created the Carnegie institute that donated to teacher and scientist. He donated around 10 million to the institution. He believed in the "Gospel of Wealth" that the wealthy should be able to help others in society. (americans library)
- During Carnegie’s lifetime, the press called attention to philanthropic giving of his business rival, John D. Rockefeller. How did the two men’s giving compare? They both donated to educational and scientific causes. Also both men saw they should be able to give back to the community.
- What type of philanthropic work is the Carnegie Foundation involved with today? There are many different branches of Carnegie Foundation involved in philanthropic giving – be sure to note them all. There are 5 branches of the Carnegie Foundation involved in philanthropic donations. 1. Early Literacy Meta Network, 2. Reading Recovery, 3. Pacific Regional Educational Laboratory, 4. Getting Better Tennessee, and 5. Getting Better California. All of these branches are still working to help with education and scientific advancements in society.
- Who are currently considered major philanthropists? Find a current list and then choose one to focus on. Summarize what you are able to learn about that individual’s philanthropic giving. Warren Buffet, he plans to give away 99% of his wealth in shares to society. Warren Buffets children manage most of the donations that are giving to causes. They give most money to fight children hunger, women's rights, and social justice in Nebraska.
- Imagine yourself as a philanthropist. What types of work would you invest in, and why? I would invest in scientific medical research, because my brother is a type I diabetic and would hopefully eventually find a cure for it.
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