Barbed Wire
Barbed Wire
The development of barbed wire has evolved throughout history. Barbed wired was created and produced by Joseph Glidden, also known as “the father of Barbed Wire”. Barbed wire has been used throughout history for many different purposes such as: fencing for cattle, keeping out intruders, and has even been used for war. The innovation of barbed wire changed the course of history from 1873 and it still has effects on today’s society. Barbed Wire is still being used in today’s world by many people across the country.
Barbed wire was first thought as invented by Joseph Glidden. He created a new type of barbed wire that had never been seen. This type of barbed wire had 2 different pieces of metals woven together with barbs for protection. Glidden called this new and unique type of barbed wire the “winner”. Many historians argue that this barbed wire had been invented previously, before Glidden’s patent on barbed wire, but was never produced. Gilded is also contributed mostly for the creation, because he was the first to create a working machine that could mass produce barbed wire in a short amount of time. Later Joseph Glidden started his own company called “the Barb Fence Company” which mass produced barbed wire and fencing to the nation. This is why Joseph Glidden receives most of the credit and the patent for making the first effective barbed wire.
In today’s society barbed wire is used to for many practical purposes, just like in 1873. Many new ideas and emotions have also been contributed to barbed wire in today’s society. Some people today see barbed wire as a symbol of hatred and badness in the world. The wire is still used very heavily throughout the rural parts of the United Sates still for fencing for cattle and land boundaries. Israeli Scholar Reviel Netz says “Indeed, barbed wire is one of the few inventions of the 19th century that remains current. It transcends the rural and urban divide and is equally at home in both realms. It has been equally disruptive and beneficial, depending upon which side of the wire one has been on.” This statement shows how barbed wire has had controversial issues, but is still a very effective tool that many people still use today.
Barbed Wire has been seen throughout the history of America. It has had many uses and jobs throughout the history, without Joseph Glidden barbed wire could have never been produced in the large amounts to the population. Barbed wire changed the course of history in 1873 and still has effects on many Americans everyday life.
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