Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Thanksgiving is an original American holiday, created to celebrate a collage of cultures and traditions practiced America. The American holiday is a day to give thanks for what we have, and to celebrate our unique American cultures that are blended together. On Thanksgiving day many Americans eat turkey, pumpkin pie, and cranberry sauce. Many Americans celebrate Thanksgiving, without knowing its history and tradition. Sarah Josepha Hale was a renowned author and speaker across the country, and was the first to push to make Thanksgiving an official holiday. 

     Most Americans celebrate Thanksgiving without knowing any of its history and beginnings. The holiday was first recorded when the pilgrims from Europe sailed the Atlantic Ocean, and landed in Plymouth Massachusetts. The pilgrims left Europe for a new opportunity, religious freedom, and to start a new religious government. They then established a small community with the Wampanoag tribe and held a large feast for both pilgrims and Indians. The feast included: deer, duck, and turkey for the main entree of the meal. This large feast was held to celebrate the communities prosperity and peace for the year. 

       Sarah Josepha Hale was a renowned author across the America, and she was the first to person to try and make Thanksgiving an official holiday. She wanted to celebrate Thanksgiving, believing that it would make peace and restore order with the South and North after the Civil War. She stated “this could heal the wounds of the Nation”, showing how she believed that it could resolve prejudice and disagreements between the North and South. Sarah Hale pushed president Lincoln and William Seward to make the holiday an official American holiday. The holiday was passed as an official American holiday in 1862. 

        Thanksgiving is still one of the largest holidays celebrated in America. This is also a very large holiday for many consumer produced goods companies, such as Butterball and Ocean Spray. Many Americans also spend the week shopping for the up and coming holiday Christmas. Many outlets and retail stores hold large sales to draw consumers to their doors. Many of these large retailers depend on the week of Thanksgiving where the majority of there goods are sold. In today's’ society the social media, is also able to dominate what the consumer want and needs. These leads to an increase of sales across the board for retailers in America. 

         Many immigrants and natives of America hold their own unique traditions on Thanksgiving. Some of these American citizens blend their own culture and traditions with the traditional American Thanksgiving meal. This shows how Thanksgiving was created to celebrate a collage of cultures and traditions in America and to be grateful for what we have in life. Traditions like Thanksgiving Masking and Ragamuffin were started from a blend of cultures in America. Thanksgiving maskings were a very popular outing in the 1890’s in large cities. This was a day when many adults and kids dressed up and walked the streets with costumes. This was a large event for many of the retailers and producers. Thanksgiving is an original American holiday, created to celebrate a collage of cultures and traditions in America. These unique traditions and cultures are seen every year and celebrated on Thanksgiving day throughout homes across America.