Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Semester II Final

Part A

1.      Before doing any research, I predict the three most highly ranked presidents in US history will be would Donald Trump, George Washington, and Abraham Lincoln. I believe that these three presidents would be the most popular on a poll of US presidents. George Washington was the first president of the United States. Donald Trump is the current president of the United States, and would be the most relatable president to society. Lastly, Abraham Lincoln would be on that list as well, because he is know for leading the country through the civil war and ending slavery in America. The worst three presidents in United States History would be Herbert Hoover and Richard Nixon would be at the bottom of the list. Herbert Hoover was known for leading America into the great depression. Richard Nixon was also a bad president, because he lied to the press about watergate, and later resigned.

2. The top four presidents that have been consistently chosen over a three period test were: Abraham Lincoln, George Washington, Franklin D. Roosevelt, and Theodore Roosevelt. The positions for five have been a tossup in the test, between Harry S. Truman and Dwight D. Eisenhower. Harry Truman was ranked at the 5 position for year 2000 and 2009. He was also ranked at the 6th position in 2017. Dwight D. Eisenhower was ranked 9th in 2000, 8th in 2009, and 5th in 2017.

3. I noticed that the largest jump for a president was Ulysses S. Grant. President Grant jumped from 33th in 2000 to 22th in 2017. President Grant was moved up eleven spots up the rankings. Another observation that I noticed was the worst three presidents. James Buchanan, Andrew Johnson, and Franklin Pierce. These were the worst three presidents. Another observation that I noticed was the gap between president Lincoln and James Buchanan's total 2017 score. President Lincoln's total score was 907 and President Buchanan's total score was 245. This is a very large gap.

4. The majority of the participants in the survey are college professors. Some other jobs include; lawyer and writer. C-SPAN has included this information, to show that the participants in the study, were generally knowledgeable about the topic. If they did not include the list of participants in the study, one could wonder where their information came from and if it was accurate. I believe that the large amount of knowledgeable people, make this study an accurate source. I also know that all humans have bias, on different polices, political parties, and religion. This could create some flaws in which, they rank the order of the presidents.

5. C-SPAN ranked the presidents from one to ten by "Public Persuasion," "Crisis Leadership," "Economic Management," "Moral Authority," "International Relations," "Administrative Skills," "Relations with Congress," "Vision/Setting An Agenda," "Pursued Equal Justice for All," and "Performance Within the Context of His Times."" (C-SPAN Methodology), President Survey, Methodology

6. C-SPAN describes the methodology part of how the weighed each topic. They weighed each topic equally and unanimously, so each topic was weighed equal in total for all of the participants., President Survey, Methodology

7. If I were conducting this same survey, and wanted to rank three categories over others I would rank, "Economic Management", "Pursued Equal Justice for All ", and "Vision/Setting An Agenda" over the other topics. I believe that these topics have a larger impact on society and should be how presidents should be ranked. I also believe that you have to have all ten of these topics, to survey this topic, because some are stronger in certain areas than other presidents were, so this equals out the playing field. 

8. My top three predictions were very accurate to what C-SPAN's survey showed. I had Abraham Lincoln and George Washington. I also had picked Donald Trump. Mr. Trump has not been included in the survey, because the survey concluded in 2017. The predictions for the worst presidents weren't as good.  I had chosen Herbert Hoover and Richard Nixon. Hebert Hoover was ranked at 36 and Richard Nixon was ranked at 28. Both of these presidents are in the middle of the rankings. I believe that my top predictions are accurate, because we learn and study a lot more about these presidents, in school and life, than we learn about the bad presidents.

Part B

9. "On March 16 we celebrate the anniversary of James Madison's birthday. Madison, traditionally viewed as the Father of the United States Constitution, is also seen by many as a defender of open government. He once wrote, "[a] popular Government, without popular information, or the means of acquiring it, is but a Prologue to a Farce or a Tragedy; or, perhaps, both. Knowledge will forever govern ignorance: And a people who mean to be their own Governors, must arm themselves with the power which knowledge gives."1
 (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. In a similar vein, he asserted that "the advancement and diffusion of knowledge" is "the only Guardian of true liberty." (

On March 16, we come together to celebrate the Father of the United States Constitution's Birthday, James Madison. James Madison has been know as the "Defender of Open Government". Madison states "an admired government, seen with no liked information, or are in the acts of getting it, is a Prologue to a Farce or even a Disaster. Knowledge will remain to control unawareness and society will start to control their own, this is why you must prepare and act on yourself with wisdom and knowledge." Also, Madison states the innovation and dispersal of your comprehension is the only protecter of true Liberty." Madison is saying that the people in society need to have knowledge of what is going around them and what is happening in society. That you need to have knowledge to protect your self in life. 

10. " . . . [K]nowledge of our own history is essential in the making of Americans. The reasons for this belief may be summed up under four main heads. History makes loyal citizens because memories of common experiences and common aspirations are essential ingredients in patriotism. History makes intelligent voters because sound decisions about present problems must be based on knowledge of the past. History makes good neighbors because it teaches tolerance of individual differences and appreciation of varied abilities and interests. History makes stable, well-rounded individuals because it gives them a start toward understanding the pattern of society and toward enjoying the artistic and intellectual productions of the past. It gives long views, a perspective, a measure of what is permanent in a nation’s life. " (, Why should American know their History

The except from the, is stating that we need to have knowledge in History to learn from our mistakes. Also, that history makes people more well rounded individuals. Both Madison and this article, are telling the community, that we need to have knowledge for what is happening around us in society and what has already happened. The difference between the two articles is that Madison says that knowledge is the true protector in life. Where this article is stating that history makes good and well rounded people in our society. I agree with both of these statements. I also believe that if we do not study history, that we will repeat the bad history that has already happened.

Part C

11.        I feel like I have grown as a researcher in many ways this year. Some of the biggest improvements that I have noticed are finding reliable sources, how to properly paraphrase, and how to cite your work. I believe that all of these skills will help me with all aspects of school and I continue to grown and learn. I also believe that these skills are crucial in the everyday world now, and will help me in life later down the road.
            I now feel very comfortable being able to go to a valid research website or article, and learn about a certain topic. I also feel very comfortable paraphrasing from other works and articles that I need information to. I use to feel not as comfortable citing work from other authors and website. I also feel comfortable citing my sources now from a website. I feel like I can cite my sources a lot faster and in a more accurate way than before.

12. I was most proud of my In-Class write that I did on the movie. I felt like it was a very through and accurate description and review of the movie. I also loved watching the movie, and then being able to learn more about aspects of the Cold War and what happened to Rudolf Abel. This was also my favorite part, because I was able to share my opinion of the movie.

13. I enjoyed Ty Callahan's menu for the movie "Bridge of Spies". I thought his menu was very creative using the Crystal Pepsi and Sushi on his menu. I thought this was very funny, creative, and unique way for his food menu.

14.“When life is hard it’s easy to focus only on the bad things and forget all about the good things God has given us. But God has blessed every one of us in ways we often overlook.”, Quotes on Thankfulness

I love this quote, because I believe it shows that how we should look at life everyday. I think everybody in life always has something that is hard. I believe what defines you as a person is what you do to fix it. I also believe that we are not often thankful, for the many chances and gifts that we already have.


Jesse Owens won the 4 x 100 track Olympic gold medal. This very big for the United States, because we had defeated the Nazi party in the Olympics. I chose this image, because Jesse Owens is from Alabama, and had made a word impact. 

The Iwo Jima flag raising is one of the most iconic pictures in American History. I chose this image, because I feel like it stands for the United States morals: Freedom and Justice.

This rocket was a great success for America, and a huge part of our history. I chose this image, because rockets have a deep history in Huntsville and have led to many new innovations in American society. 

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Post #5 (In Class Write)

1.)     The movie Bridge of Spies is jam packed with historically accurate information. The audience can learn a lot of historical accurate information about the Cold War and the Prisoner Exchange from watching the film. The audience will be able to learn about Rudolf Abel, Gary Francis Powers, and James Donovan. The characters that are playing the roles of these key people do an amazing and accurate job of portraying the people in real life. This is very important for the audience to see, because they are getting a real historical depiction of the characters. The movie is also filled with a lot of historical information that is very accurate, such as the U-2 spy plane, Glienicke Bridge in Berlin, and the Soviet spy hollowed out quarter.             
        The director Steven Speilburg does an an amazing job with the historical accuracy of the movie. The character Rudolf Abel was an amazing artist in real life and enjoyed painting. He lived in his studio apartment in Brooklyn, where he did most his work. In the movie we see Rudolf Abel painting in jail, his apartment, and in the city of Brooklyn. This shows the audience the importance of painting to Rudolf Abel, and that it was historically correct in the film. Another major piece the audience can learn about history, is the accuracy of the U-2 spy plane. In the movie the air crew learns about the details of the spy plane, such as its maximum height capacity is 70,000 feet and that the plane wings were very flimsy. This gives the viewers a better understanding of what the U-2 plane was and how it helped American during the Cold War.  All of these details can give the audience a good depiction of what was going on during the Cold War and what took place during the prisoner exchange between Rudolf Abel and Gary Francis Powers. Another very historical accurate piece of the movie was the trial scene. All of the information, and evidence that was used in the trial was very historically accurate, such as the sentencing, his three accounts that he was charged for, and the permit to such his apartment.  All of these pieces can give the audience an accurate depiction and understanding of what really happened during the Powers-Abel prisoner swap.

2.)   Overall the movie was historically accurate. One of the biggest pieces that was left out of the movie, was "how Abel came to America as a spy and his background story". During my research I found out that, Rudolf Abel came to America in 1948 by crossing the Canada-American border. He also went by the name of Emil Goldfus in the Brooklyn art community. These are very important pieces of Rudolf Abel's backstory that were left out of the movie, because they give the audience better and more detail about, who the "Master Spy" Rudolf Abel really was?
       Another large piece of the story that was missing in the movie "Bridge of Spies" was the American presidents. Neither president Eisenhower nor president John F. Kennedy were not mentioned in the movie at any point of time. I believe that both of these men were very crucial pieces to the American Cold War. After the exchange happened, President Kennedy awarded James Donovan with more opportunities to negotiate American prisoners with other countries. I believe that President Kennedy was a major part in the Cold War, and should not have been left out of the movie "Bridge of Spies".

3.) If the movie was extended for 20 more minutes, I believe Steven Speilburg, would have added the background story of "what happened to Rudolf Abel, Gary Francis Powers, and Fredric Pryor when he returned to his home country." After the three prisoners are exchange, the movie concluded with James Donovan (Tom Hanks) going home and falling asleep on the bed, while his three children watch the news of the prisoner exchange that has just happened on national tv. The audience never really never knows what happens to the the other three major characters once, they are exchanged on the Glienicke Bridge. During my research, I found that Rudolf abel was returned to his family. Gary Francis Powers, went on to work for a news company, flying helicopters. He was also awarded with the Silver Star in 2012 and the USAF POW medal in 2000. Fredrick Pryor went on to get his degree in Economics from Yale. He is now a teacher at Emeritus University. I believe adding this would leave the audience in ease, and not wondering what happened to the characters.

Sunday, May 12, 2019

Post #2 (Exhibits)

A handwriiten note from a memoir of the Abel case written by James B. Donovan (James B. Donovan Collection, Box 14, Folder 9)

The first artifact that I choose is a document that Mr. James Donovan wrote, during the pre-trail stages. In the document Mr. Donovan discusses the matter of "why would anyone want to defend that son of a ____?". This is a very important document, because it shows how James Donovan did not want to defend Mr. Rudolf Abel at first.  Once Donovan decided to defend Abel, the topic was very controversial across the country and led to many prejudices toward Donovan and his family. The original document will be on display for the guests to see at the party.

Notes about Abel, his aliases,  and his activities (James B. Donovan Collection, Box 27, Folder 28)

This document is a handwritten account of when Mr. Donovan, was making plans to stay in Germany, while discussing the the prisoner exchange between Powers and Abel. The note shows how much his costs will be, and where he will be staying. This is a very important note, because it shows James Donovan's plans and itinerary for when he would be in Germany. The original document will be on display for the guests to see at the party. 

The first page of a memoir written by James B. Donovan about the trial of Rudolf Abel (James B. Donovan Collection, Box 14, Folder 9)

This document explains why James Donovan was chosen to defend the Russian spy Rudolf Abel. One of the main reasons that Donovan was chosen was, because of his outstanding work that he had done with the Nuremberg Trials. Many Americans thought that Abel should be hung or killed for what he had done, but James Donovan was able to lower his charges to 45 years in prison. The title of the document is the U.S. vs Abel, this shows how the United States as a whole were very against the Russian "Master Spy" Rudolf Abel and what he had done. The original document will be on display for the guests to see at the party. 

A letter of thanks written to James B. Donovan by President John F. Kennedy, following the successful spy exchange of Rudlf Abel for US pilot Francis Gary Powers (James B. Donovan Collection, Box 25, Folder 6-9)

This is a thank you note, written by the president John F. Kennedy. Kennedy is thanking Donovan for what he has done for his country and for his courage. This note, shows the importance of James Donovan's career, without Mr. Donovan the prisoner exchange would have never happened. The original document will be on display for the guests to see at the party. 

A cipher message found in the possession of Rudolf Abel (James B. Donovan Collection, Box 7, Folder 53-15)

This document is an encrypted code of the message that Rudolf Abel receive from the Russians. This document was encrypted by David Khan, a F.B.I. agent. This code was found in a hollow quarter, that was dropped by a local newspaper boy in Brooklyn. This original document will be on display at the party for the guests to see and can try to solve what the original code with numbers means. 

Image result for u-2 planes cold war

The U-2 plane was the aircraft that Gary Francis Powers fly over Russia. During Lt. Powers flight  he was shot down by the Soviets. The plane was designed to be very lightweight, and flimsy. This lightweight plane could reach altitudes up to 80,000 feet. When Gary Francis Powers flew over deep Russian territory, he was cruising at 70,000 feet, before being shot down. The plane uses high pixel cameras to shoot down from the high altitudes. The original plane and cameras will be on display for guests to sit inside and look at. 

Front Page Image

This is a New York Times Newspaper that has the prisoner exchange article in the top left column. The article reads "Powers is Freed by Soviet in an exchange for Abel; U-2 Pilot on the Way to U.S.". This is a very important article, because it released the information to the United States citizens that Powers and Abel had been exchanged. I will have the original New York Times Paper that was produced on February 18, at the party for guests to read and enjoy. 

A hollow nickel used as tradecraft by Soviet spies to convey coded messages.

The last exhibit is a hollow quarter, used by the Soviets to send secret messages to spies in the United States. A local newspaper boy in Brooklyn found a hollow quarter with a piece of paper with a letter in it. This quarter was later turned into the F.B.I., who later encrypted the message with numbers in it. The F.B.I. found where Abel had been living and working. Abel had owned a small apartment in Brooklyn and used it as a home and a local art studio. This quarter was a key piece in the investigation of Abel, and future Russian spies. This quarter will be on displayed at the party, as well as the secret code with numbers that was hidden in the quarter.

Post #1 (Party Invitation)

This invitation has a couple of symbolic meanings and facts that are significant to the Cold War and to the prisoner exchange. The prisoner exchange happened on the morning of February 10, 1962. This is when the party will take place. This year would be the 58th anniversary of the exchange. Another significant piece of the party, is that it starts at 5:30 A.M., which would be 11:30 Eastern Time. This is the exact time that the prisoners were exchanges across the Glienicke Bridge, in Germany. The party takes place at the Gliencicke Bridge.  I chose the gold colors, because I felt like the party would be a very happy party and very symbolic. I chose the black color, to represent the darkness that was taking place in both America and Russia durning the Cold War. 

  • Tom Hanks (actor) - I would invite Tom Hanks to the 58th Anniversary of the Cold War prisoner exchange between Gary Francis Powers, Fredric Pryor, and Rudolf Abel. I believe that inviting Tom Hanks would be a good idea, because he played the role of James Donovan in the movie (Bridge of Spies), who was the lawyer of Rudolf Abel. I believe that Tom Hanks would enjoy meeting the real James Donovan and Rudolf Abel in person. I think he would find it very interesting to meet them, and ask them questions about the trail and exchange. 
  • James Donovan - I would invite James Donavan to the 58th Anniversary of the Cold War prisoner exchange between Gary Francis Powers, Fredric Pryor, and Rudolf Abel. I believe that inviting James Donavan would be a key piece to the gathering, because he was the person who tied everybody together. Donovan was the only person who saw both sides of the exchange.  He was also the only person who saw good in both Abel and Powers, where as most only saw Powers as the American hero who needed to be saved. I think Donovan would be proud of his accomplishments and should receive some recognition at the party. 
  • Mark Rylance (actor) - I would invite Mark Rylance to the 58th Anniversary of the Cold War prisoner exchange between Gary Francis Powers, Fredric Pryor, and Rudolf Abel. I believe Mr. Rylance, should come to the Anniversary, because he played the role of Rudolf Abel in the movie "Bridge Of Spies". I believe Mark Rylance would enjoy the party, because he would like to know the Rudolf Abel and James donavan better in real life. I also think he would enjoy seeing some of the real life artifacts that will be at the party, that were used throughout the process. 
  • Rudolf Abel - I would invite Rudolf Abel to the 58th Anniversary of the Cold War prisoner exchange between Gary Francis Powers, Fredric Pryor, and Rudolf Abel. I believe that inviting Mr. Abel, would create some tension with the other guests such as Lt. Gary Francis Powers, or Fredric Pryor. I also believe that he is a very key piece to the party, because he was the most important piece in the exchange between him and the Americans. I also believe, he would be able to tell the other guests some inside information that they may have not have known beforehand.
  • Gary Francis Powers - I would invite Gary Francis Powers to the 58th Anniversary of the Cold War prisoner exchange between Gary Francis Powers, Fredric Pryor, and Rudolf Abel. Powers was a very important piece in the exchange between the Americans and Abel. I think it could be very interesting hearing some of the stories that Powers may have, about the treatment from the Russians and what happened when he was captured. 
  • Fredric Pryor - I would invite Fredric Pryor to the 58th Anniversary of the Cold War prisoner xchange between Gary Francis Powers, Fredric Pryor, and Rudolf Abel. Pryor was a young student at the time, I think he could have some very interesting thoughts on his imprisonment.  I think his stay in Germany was very different than Powers. I think this could create some interesting conversations between the group. 
  • Alan Crosby (Historian) - I would invite Alan Crosby to the 58th Anniversary of the Cold War Prisoner Exchange between Gary Francis Powers, Fredric Pryor, and Rudolf Abel. I think Alan Crosby would have some interesting takes on the Cold War and between the prisoner exchange. I also believe since Alan Crosby has studied multiple prisoner swaps throughout the cold war and other eras. He could bring some interesting topics and discussions throughout the party. I also think he would enjoy seeing some of the real life artifacts that will be at the party, that were used throughout the process. 
  • Michael Beschloss (Historian) - I would invite Michael Beschloss to the 58th Anniversary of the Cold War prisoner exchange between Gary Francis Powers, Fredric Pryor, and Rudolf Abel. Michael Beschloss studied the U-2 plane and has wrote a couple of books and articles on the Cold War. I think Micheal Beschloss could bring some important facts and knowledge with him and could learn more from the other primary sources and guests at the party. I think Michael Beschloss would enjoy seeing the real U-2 plane, and giving the other party members some interesting facts about the plane. 

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Blog # 3 (Food Menu)

Bridge of Spies Menu

In the movie "Bridge of Spies" James Donovan and his family eat dinner. There main course for that dinner is meatloaf. This is an important dinner to the movie, because Mr. Donovan and his family discuss whether he should take the case to defend the Russian spy Rudolf Abel or not. Meatloaf was a popular dinner durning the time of the Cold War across many American homes. 

The American Breakfast
In the movie "Bridge of Spies" James Donovan is in West Germany when he stops to eat breakfast. At this part of the movie he is exhausted and needs sleep. He then meets Agent Hoffman at the restaurant and orders the large American Breakfast. This includes: sausage, eggs, bacon, pancakes, fruit, and toast. This was the largest breakfast item they had on the menu. 

Image result for 1950s jello recipes

Jell-O Salad
Jello Salad was a very popular dish in the 1950s to 1960s in America during the Cold War. Many Americans love the idea of a Jell-O salad, because it was easy and quick to make for large proportions. These Jell-O salads swept across America, making Jell-O the new and great American food trend. 
Image result for big mac

Mcdonald"s Big Mac
The Mcdonald's Big Mac cheesebuger came to Moscow on January 31, 1990. This was the first American franchise to open in Russia at end of the Cold War. Many people came across the country just to get a Big Mac cheeseburger. They would wait in long lines outside the franchise just to try the American foods. 

Image result for russian vodka

Russian Vodka
In the movie "The Bridge of Spies" James Donovan and the secretary Ivan of the Russian embassy. toast with a bottle of Russian Vodka, for the exchange of prisoners that is bound to take place the next day. This is an important scene, between the two men, because they have just sealed the biggest prisoner exchange of the cold war. 

Image result for coffee

The character James Donovan is often seen drinking coffee throughout the movie, "Bridge of Spies". He tells his assistant to make sure it has 2 lumps of cream and 1 scoop of sugar.  This is a very important drink in the movie, because he often travels from country to country without any sleep, and drinks coffee to overcome his drowsiness. 

Blog #4 (Works Cited)

America’s History, 9th Edition, “pg. 756The Global Cold War,” Pages 756 (, U-2 Spy Plane Incident, August 21, 2018

Encoylopidia Britannica (, Cold War

Radio Free Europe, Radio Liberty (, For Your Spies Only: Prisoners of the Cold War (, Prisoner Exchanges Across the Bridge of Spies from Powers to Shcharansky, August 22, 2018, (, Famous Cases, Hollow Nickel Rudolf Abel 

Prisoner Exchanges Across the Bridge of Spies, From Powers to 

Monday, April 15, 2019

The Global Cold War

pg. 756 "Thinking Like A Historian"

The Global Cold War

Thesis: "The United States and President Truman began to help Greece and Turkey, by creating the Marshall Plan. Later, the United States turned their attention to Latin America, Korea, Japan, and Russia. The United States wanted to contain and fight against communism and stop a social revolution from uprising and spreading throughout the globe."

Image result for marshall plan