Semester II Final
Part A
1. Before doing any research, I predict the three most highly ranked presidents in US history will be would Donald Trump, George Washington, and Abraham Lincoln. I believe that these three presidents would be the most popular on a poll of US presidents. George Washington was the first president of the United States. Donald Trump is the current president of the United States, and would be the most relatable president to society. Lastly, Abraham Lincoln would be on that list as well, because he is know for leading the country through the civil war and ending slavery in America. The worst three presidents in United States History would be Herbert Hoover and Richard Nixon would be at the bottom of the list. Herbert Hoover was known for leading America into the great depression. Richard Nixon was also a bad president, because he lied to the press about watergate, and later resigned.
2. The top four presidents that have been consistently chosen over a three period test were: Abraham Lincoln, George Washington, Franklin D. Roosevelt, and Theodore Roosevelt. The positions for five have been a tossup in the test, between Harry S. Truman and Dwight D. Eisenhower. Harry Truman was ranked at the 5 position for year 2000 and 2009. He was also ranked at the 6th position in 2017. Dwight D. Eisenhower was ranked 9th in 2000, 8th in 2009, and 5th in 2017.
3. I noticed that the largest jump for a president was Ulysses S. Grant. President Grant jumped from 33th in 2000 to 22th in 2017. President Grant was moved up eleven spots up the rankings. Another observation that I noticed was the worst three presidents. James Buchanan, Andrew Johnson, and Franklin Pierce. These were the worst three presidents. Another observation that I noticed was the gap between president Lincoln and James Buchanan's total 2017 score. President Lincoln's total score was 907 and President Buchanan's total score was 245. This is a very large gap.
4. The majority of the participants in the survey are college professors. Some other jobs include; lawyer and writer. C-SPAN has included this information, to show that the participants in the study, were generally knowledgeable about the topic. If they did not include the list of participants in the study, one could wonder where their information came from and if it was accurate. I believe that the large amount of knowledgeable people, make this study an accurate source. I also know that all humans have bias, on different polices, political parties, and religion. This could create some flaws in which, they rank the order of the presidents.
5. C-SPAN ranked the presidents from one to ten by "Public Persuasion," "Crisis Leadership," "Economic Management," "Moral Authority," "International Relations," "Administrative Skills," "Relations with Congress," "Vision/Setting An Agenda," "Pursued Equal Justice for All," and "Performance Within the Context of His Times."" (C-SPAN Methodology), President Survey, Methodology
6. C-SPAN describes the methodology part of how the weighed each topic. They weighed each topic equally and unanimously, so each topic was weighed equal in total for all of the participants., President Survey, Methodology
7. If I were conducting this same survey, and wanted to rank three categories over others I would rank, "Economic Management", "Pursued Equal Justice for All ", and "Vision/Setting An Agenda" over the other topics. I believe that these topics have a larger impact on society and should be how presidents should be ranked. I also believe that you have to have all ten of these topics, to survey this topic, because some are stronger in certain areas than other presidents were, so this equals out the playing field.
8. My top three predictions were very accurate to what C-SPAN's survey showed. I had Abraham Lincoln and George Washington. I also had picked Donald Trump. Mr. Trump has not been included in the survey, because the survey concluded in 2017. The predictions for the worst presidents weren't as good. I had chosen Herbert Hoover and Richard Nixon. Hebert Hoover was ranked at 36 and Richard Nixon was ranked at 28. Both of these presidents are in the middle of the rankings. I believe that my top predictions are accurate, because we learn and study a lot more about these presidents, in school and life, than we learn about the bad presidents.
Part B
9. "On March 16 we celebrate the anniversary of James Madison's birthday. Madison, traditionally viewed as the Father of the United States Constitution, is also seen by many as a defender of open government. He once wrote, "[a] popular Government, without popular information, or the means of acquiring it, is but a Prologue to a Farce or a Tragedy; or, perhaps, both. Knowledge will forever govern ignorance: And a people who mean to be their own Governors, must arm themselves with the power which knowledge gives."1
In a similar vein, he asserted that "the advancement and diffusion of knowledge" is "the only Guardian of true liberty." (
On March 16, we come together to celebrate the Father of the United States Constitution's Birthday, James Madison. James Madison has been know as the "Defender of Open Government". Madison states "an admired government, seen with no liked information, or are in the acts of getting it, is a Prologue to a Farce or even a Disaster. Knowledge will remain to control unawareness and society will start to control their own, this is why you must prepare and act on yourself with wisdom and knowledge." Also, Madison states the innovation and dispersal of your comprehension is the only protecter of true Liberty." Madison is saying that the people in society need to have knowledge of what is going around them and what is happening in society. That you need to have knowledge to protect your self in life.
10. " . . . [K]nowledge of our own history is essential in the making of Americans. The reasons for this belief may be summed up under four main heads. History makes loyal citizens because memories of common experiences and common aspirations are essential ingredients in patriotism. History makes intelligent voters because sound decisions about present problems must be based on knowledge of the past. History makes good neighbors because it teaches tolerance of individual differences and appreciation of varied abilities and interests. History makes stable, well-rounded individuals because it gives them a start toward understanding the pattern of society and toward enjoying the artistic and intellectual productions of the past. It gives long views, a perspective, a measure of what is permanent in a nation’s life. " (, Why should American know their History
The except from the, is stating that we need to have knowledge in History to learn from our mistakes. Also, that history makes people more well rounded individuals. Both Madison and this article, are telling the community, that we need to have knowledge for what is happening around us in society and what has already happened. The difference between the two articles is that Madison says that knowledge is the true protector in life. Where this article is stating that history makes good and well rounded people in our society. I agree with both of these statements. I also believe that if we do not study history, that we will repeat the bad history that has already happened.
Part C
11. I feel like I have grown as a researcher in many ways this year. Some of the biggest improvements that I have noticed are finding reliable sources, how to properly paraphrase, and how to cite your work. I believe that all of these skills will help me with all aspects of school and I continue to grown and learn. I also believe that these skills are crucial in the everyday world now, and will help me in life later down the road.
I now feel very comfortable being able to go to a valid research website or article, and learn about a certain topic. I also feel very comfortable paraphrasing from other works and articles that I need information to. I use to feel not as comfortable citing work from other authors and website. I also feel comfortable citing my sources now from a website. I feel like I can cite my sources a lot faster and in a more accurate way than before.
12. I was most proud of my In-Class write that I did on the movie. I felt like it was a very through and accurate description and review of the movie. I also loved watching the movie, and then being able to learn more about aspects of the Cold War and what happened to Rudolf Abel. This was also my favorite part, because I was able to share my opinion of the movie.
13. I enjoyed Ty Callahan's menu for the movie "Bridge of Spies". I thought his menu was very creative using the Crystal Pepsi and Sushi on his menu. I thought this was very funny, creative, and unique way for his food menu.
14.“When life is hard it’s easy to focus only on the bad things and forget all about the good things God has given us. But God has blessed every one of us in ways we often overlook.”, Quotes on Thankfulness
I love this quote, because I believe it shows that how we should look at life everyday. I think everybody in life always has something that is hard. I believe what defines you as a person is what you do to fix it. I also believe that we are not often thankful, for the many chances and gifts that we already have.
Jesse Owens won the 4 x 100 track Olympic gold medal. This very big for the United States, because we had defeated the Nazi party in the Olympics. I chose this image, because Jesse Owens is from Alabama, and had made a word impact.
The Iwo Jima flag raising is one of the most iconic pictures in American History. I chose this image, because I feel like it stands for the United States morals: Freedom and Justice.
This rocket was a great success for America, and a huge part of our history. I chose this image, because rockets have a deep history in Huntsville and have led to many new innovations in American society.